Course curriculum

    1. About Next Gen Men

    2. Introduction to the Course

    3. Before You Begin…

    1. Where Boys Find Themselves: The Manosphere

    2. How it Results in Harm: Domination-Based Masculinity

    3. What Draws Boys In: Circle of Courage

    1. School Culture: Transformative Conversations

    2. Lesson With Students: The Influence of Influencers

About this course

  • $559.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 90-120 min
  • 3-5 educators
  • Can be scaled to an entire faculty

Raving about it

District SOGI Lead

I LOVED the session, and have received a number of emails and colleagues stopping by this morning raving about it. THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge and perspective. I’m so glad we were able to make this happen and that so many staff opted in.

Enjoying this training

Mental Health Wellness Coach

I am really enjoying this training. I love the information that is given as well as the deep, mindful, impactful conversations that come to light.

Awake and alert to current issues

Health Centre Director

We had a meeting regarding the Next Gen Men program with our DEI office—I am so thankful to learn more about Andrew Tate as I had no idea how widespread his influence was. (I didn't even know who he was). As I get older, it’s helpful that this program keeps me awake and alert to current issues facing the boys we work with.