Course curriculum

    1. About Next Gen Men

    2. Introduction to the Course

    3. Before You Begin…

    1. More Than Stop Signs: Traditional Consent Education

    2. When the Stakes Are Too High: Pressure to Perform

    3. When Boundaries Don’t Matter: Normalized Violence

    1. School Culture: Consent Culture

    2. Lesson With Students: Not a Cup of Tea

About this course

  • $559.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 90-120 min
  • 3-5 educators
  • Can be scaled to an entire faculty

Shepherding boys into healthy manhood

Health Centre Director

That White Ribbon video was so powerful and helps underscore the importance of the work we are all doing in mentoring and helping to guide/shepherd boys into healthy manhood. Thank you!

I love the work you do

Mental Health Wellness Coach

After this session, just really want to say again I love the work you do Jonathon and Next Gen Mentors!